Torga Optical

Torga Optical

When you visit a Torga Optical you will experience the five key ingredients of our success formula:

At Torga Optical we really want you to See Well, Look Great, and Save

What is Special about Torga Optical

Torga Optical is a fast growing national chain of 100 retail optical stores with professional eye care and offering you superior value on all your eyewear needs.

We have achieved this through our extensive international buying power from many of the leading international eyewear and lens manufacturers. We are the only optical chain in South Africa to operate a state of the art lens manufacturing facility with Free Form Lens Technology. This means you get the very latest technology lenses at our Spectacle Spectacle Great Value prices. Latest Technology Lenses don’t have to cost you more!

Torga Optical doesn’t just offer you spectacles – we offer you a wide selection of great looking fashion eyewear at great value to suit your lifestyle, image and budget.

Professional Standards

Yes We Test Eyes at over 100 locations – most of which are open 7 days a week.

As a national retail optical chain, we have well defined quality standards for our professional staff to meet. This ensures that irrespective of which outlet you visit, you are guaranteed a consistently high level of quality professional service.