Books Galore

Books Galore

Books Galore sells used, collectable, remainders and new children’s books. Our main business is used and we give 1/3 back in credit on books brought from us when you return them.

Books Galore specializes in used fiction and our staff are trained to give you an alternative if the book you are looking for is not in stock.

Our second hand books and hand picked remainders as well as new children’s books are all about a third to a half cheaper then the Recommended Retail Price.

Books Galore buys books 7 days a week and our remainders and new children’s books come directly from the U.K. twice a year in April and October.

All our staff are avid readers and extremely knowledgeable, so they can help you find exactly what you are looking for.

Our staff really do know their stuff and are qualified to buy your fine library so don’t hesitate to call for details and advice and a fair price on you books. Obviously we need to see the condition.

Books are bought for :

-Subject matter-Africana /Naval/ Natural History/ Art/ Photography/ Architecture/ Business/ Esoteric/ Philosophy/ Boer War

-Availability/ Rarity/ Scarcity.

-Author or Demand.

-Good condition.

-Publication date for fiction 2010 to current.

-Stock holdings.

-We do not buy tatty paperbacks, Encyclopedias, Readers Digest condensed or computer books.

Services offered:

-We buy books for cash and sell books 7 days a week Monday to Sunday.

-We will collect books if you have 50 or more to sell.

-We give 1/3 credit back on books bought from us and returned in the same condition.

-We offer pensioners discount on Tuesdays.

-We offer 15% discount for Book Clubs registered with Books Galore

-We have awesome kids books generally and especially for Christmas.

-Satisfaction guaranteed.